Commercial Contractor Northern Virginia is Fairfax Contractor. We service Northern Virginia businesses with the many remodeling and building services we offer as a company. As a general contractor, we can get your project permitted and completed. Many types of remodeling services for our customers in Northern Virginia. We are a commercial Virginia class A contractor dedicated to installing code-compliant projects. Fairfax Contractor has a class A Virginia DPOR contractor license with a (CBC) Commercial Building Contractor endorsement. Fairfax Contractor is a commercial design-build company that can build from the ground up any type of commercial building project. Some of the commercial projects that we undertake include building maintenance, office renovation, tenant build-out, and all forms of concrete and masonry work. We offer outstanding construction management services that include quality control, permitting, and construction management services. We have top-of-the-line project managers that can finish your commercial project on time and within budget. If you need a competent, experienced commercial contractor, look no further.