Fairfax Contractors

Swimming Pool Patio Contractor Northern Virginia

Swimming Pool Patio Contractor

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Swimming pool patio contractor Northern Virginia is Fairfax Contractor. If you’re considering installing a swimming pool in your Northern Virginia home, you will need to install decking around your swimming pool. Swimming pool contractors are not the best at installing a patio or deck around your pool. You need to go to an expert, like Fairfax Contractor, to get the job done right. We have more than 40 years of experience installing swimming pool patios and decking. Most often, your swimming pool contractor will subcontract the task of installing a deck around your new swimming pool. Look to the experts at Fairfax Contractor to finish off your swimming pool project. This licensed contractor possesses the ability to pour concrete decking around your swimming pool. Other options include installing concrete, travertine pavers, flagstone, and exposed aggregate concrete to finish your swimming pool project.

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After Your Swimming Pool Has Been Installed

After your swimming pool has been installed, you will need a patio or deck around your pool. Swimming pool contractors typically do not install the patio or decking around your swimming pool. They often subcontract this work out to subcontractors. Fairfax contractor is experts in designing a swimming pool patio, often referred to as a pool decking. The most simplistic installation is simply installing a concrete pad around your pool. The grade of the pool patio must be correctly installed. Depending on the topography of your lot, frequently, we need to install specialized drainage floor drains to keep the water from pooling. After the concrete has been poured around the deck of your pool, we can Off the concrete with a variety of services, including travertine marble, flagstone, and interlocking concrete pavers. Probably the best solution is to utilize travertine marble because it typically comes in lighter colors and is easier on the feet.

Other options For Swimming Pool Patio

Other options for your swimming pool patio include coping stones around the perimeter of your new swimming pool. The options include flagstone, travertine marble coping stones, and concrete paver bullnose coping.